Six Must-Have Pool Cleaners And How To Use Them
Cleaning the pool properly is essential not only for its conservation but also for the health of the bathers who frequent it. Check out these 6 must-have pool cleaners and how to use them. Over time, the accumulation of impurities causes deterioration of pool materials and the proliferation of disease-causing microorganisms.
That’s why it’s so important that pool stores educate their customers about pool cleaning products that are specific for this purpose, as only they guarantee that cleaning is effective.
What are the 6 main products to clean a swimming pool?
Keep reading this article to know the products your customers should have at home and how to use them to keep their pools always clean!
1. Chlorine
Chlorine is one of the most popular pool cleaners and also one of the most important. It works as a disinfectant, eliminating microorganisms present in the water that are potentially harmful to human health. Diseases such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, and even inflammation of the mucous membranes can be avoided with the use of chlorine.
1.2. stabilized chlorine
When choosing a brand of chlorine, preference should be given to those that are stabilized. When thrown into the water, chlorine tends to evaporate, especially in heated pools or pools that are exposed to the sun. The stabilized product has cyanuric acid, which prevents evaporation.
Method of use: the amount and frequency of application depend on several factors, such as the material the pool is made of, size of the pool, frequency of use, ambient temperature, and amount of waste in the water, among others.
An insufficient amount of chlorine leaves the water unprotected, while too much product can irritate the skin and eyes. So, pay attention to the instructions for use.
2. Clarifying
The clarifier is used to keep the water crystal clear. An essential pool cleaner product. It assists in the filtration of microparticles that are dispersed on the surface of the water, causing them to agglomerate in the form of flakes, to then be aspirated by the pool filter. The clarifier is not recommended for larger residues, as a sieve or decanter is used for this.
The occasion of use: the clarifier should be used when the water is cloudy or whitish, as this indicates the presence of particles so tiny that they cannot be retained by the filter or decanted. In addition, it should be used preventively once a week and also on the days when the pool is used more often.
Instructions for use: Before using it, it is necessary to check that the chlorine, pH, and alkalinity of the water are within the standards, as the chemical imbalance reduces the effect of the product. Then, dilute the clarifier in a bucket with some pool water, so it spreads more easily.
The amount of product is indicated on the label and the filter must remain on during the entire process.
3. PH Elevator Or Reducer
As the names suggest, these products are meant to bring the pH of the water to proper levels. High pH compromises the efficiency of filters and heaters, while low pH accelerates chlorine evaporation. In both cases, it can irritate the skin and eyes of bathers.
The tendency is for the pool water to naturally reduce its pH, so it is important to have at least the pH elevator always available.
How to use: to use both the elevator and the pH reducer, dilute the products in a bucket with water from the pool itself and pour it over its entire surface. Keep the pool system on for at least 60 minutes, remeasure the pH the next day and repeat the process if it is still not in the recommended range.
4. Algaecides
Over time, it is common for a greenish film to form on the surface of the water, which indicates the presence of algae. This usually happens after heavy rains or a long period of not using the pool. Thus, algaecide is a pool cleaner chemical product that serves both to prevent and eliminate algae.
There are maintenance algaecides and shock algaecides. The first must be applied regularly in clean pools, to avoid the appearance of algae. The second is when the water is already infested by this organism.
Ways to use: To use the maintenance algaecide, it is only necessary to dilute it in water and distribute it evenly throughout the pool, keeping the motor pump and the filter on for at least an hour. Do this procedure once a week.
In the case of shock algaecide, you must first brush the pool to remove the algae that are stuck to it. Then, proceed with the use as with the maintenance algaecide and, at the end of the process, vacuum the residues that accumulate at the bottom.
5. Decanter
Decantation is the process that separates solid materials from liquids. Thus, the decanter causes the dirt particles mixed with the water to accumulate at the bottom of the pool, so that they can be removed with the deep vacuum pool cleaner.
Instructions for use: Before using the decanter, it is necessary to check that the water parameters are in the proper range. If the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity are out of order, it is necessary to correct them first. In addition, the presence of algae in the water also compromises the effectiveness of the product.
After checking the above factors, start cleaning the water using a sieve to remove larger residues and brushing the pool to remove dirt from the walls and bottom. Turn off the pool machines, apply the decanter as indicated on the package and let the water stand for at least 12 hours.
6. Edge Cleaner
Just like the water, the edge of the pool also deserves special pool cleaner attention in terms of cleanliness. During use, residues from suntan lotion, sunscreen, and sweat from bathers accumulate on the edges. In addition to leaving a dirty look, this also contributes to the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.
Instructions for use: to use the product, it is necessary to dilute it in water and apply it with a soft sponge to the entire edge of the pool. Dilution ensures that the product is applied more evenly and without waste. During the application, you should not clean the sponge in the pool water, but in a bucket of clean water.

Why is swimming pool cleaning so important?
There are many good reasons and some advantages to cleaning the pool frequently, both for the health of those who will use it. Come on! To make it easier to understand the importance of this practice, we have a separate Blog containing a small list of benefits that it can bring to you and your family.
Pool cleaning, in addition to helping to keep the water always clean and suitable for bathing, also has a sustainable, environmental, and, of course, economic aspect. After all, this practice allows you to avoid wasting water, since, with the right products and care, you will be able to carry out continuous maintenance instead of having to replace the volume all the time.
In addition to the pool cleaning products mentioned throughout the text, other interesting alternatives that can be added to this maintenance are often the use of a thermal cover, which allows covering the entire surface. In this way, even if the pool is not in use, the accessory helps to prevent objects or dirt from falling into the water, in addition to reducing the rate of evaporation. Thanks for reading!

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